Ethique Solid Shampoo - Sweet & Spicy


Adds bounce and oomph to your hair

A combination of orange, cinnamon, ginger and sale leaves your hair soft but with life & bounce

You Save 3 x 350ml Plastic Bottles and 2.7 litres of water with 1 Bar

Certified palm oil free. Cruelty free. Vegan.

Packaging certified compostable

Made in New Zealand

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Adds bounce and oomph to your hair

A combination of orange, cinnamon, ginger and sale leaves your hair soft but with life & bounce

You Save 3 x 350ml Plastic Bottles and 2.7 litres of water with 1 Bar

Certified palm oil free. Cruelty free. Vegan.

Packaging certified compostable

Made in New Zealand

Adds bounce and oomph to your hair

A combination of orange, cinnamon, ginger and sale leaves your hair soft but with life & bounce

You Save 3 x 350ml Plastic Bottles and 2.7 litres of water with 1 Bar

Certified palm oil free. Cruelty free. Vegan.

Packaging certified compostable

Made in New Zealand

Dishwashing Liquid Bar - Pink Grapefruit
Ethique Lipstick - Mallow
Doggie Bags - Compostable (4 rolls)
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