The Hub

Plastic Free Shopping

133 Station Street, Fairfield, Victoria 3078


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 9am - 5:30pm

Saturday 9am - 4pm

Sunday 10am - 3:00pm

Bring Your Own Containers

At The Hub, all food and liquid is sold free of packaging. We provide paper bags for those who need them and we can sell you a glass bottle or jar if you need one, but we encourage you to bring your own containers (BYOC).

You don’t have to go out and buy new containers. You can re-use, recycle or re-purpose. So feel free to bring in any storage container, Tupperware or old jar; re-use your takeaway containers, bread bags, produce bags, your old dishwashing bottle or washing powder box.

How Does BYOC work?

It’s simple.

  1. Bring your container to the counter where we will weigh it and any contents (the tare)

  2. You fill your container, and, then

  3. We weigh it again and calculate the net contents

This means, you only pay for the amount you put in your container.

Some of the wonderful containers our customers bring in.

Some of the wonderful containers our customers bring in.

The Hub Shopping Bag.jpg

Our Philosophy

At The Hub we want to help our community reduce its plastic waste.

We believe that small changes can havea big impact.

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 Our Journey

The Hub was inspired by our daughter, Darcy who at the age of 15, challenged us to work towards a more sustainable future and put us on a journey we hadn’t envisaged but absolutely love.

The Hub Bushwalking.jpg